Av. General San Martin, 1212 – Leblon
Av. Brig. Faria Lima 4221, 1º andar – Itaim Bibi

Market Recognition


André Tavares


Graduate degree in Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) in 2001. Post-graduate degree in Insurance Law with his MBA in partnership with Universidade Cândido Mendes/FUNENSEG in 2003.
Insurance professor in the MBA of Insurance Law program at FUNENSEG and panelist in seminars and congresses in the Insurance and Reinsurance Law field.

ANDRÉ TAVARES was an intern at ESCRITÓRIO DE ADVOCACIA SERGIO BERMUDES from 1997 to 2000. He was a partner at ESCRITÓRIO DE ADVOCACIA SERGIO BERMUDES from 2003 to 2017, working in the insurance field for all these years. He was an associate at MACHADO, MEYER, SENDACZ, OPICE E BRANDÃO COUTO ADVOGADOS between 2000 and 2003.

With ample recognition in the Market, he was elected four years in a row (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 e 2018) most admired lawyer in the insurance, civic, financial operations and health field through ANÁLISE ADVOCACIA 500. He has been listed since 2015 on Band 3 at the CHAMBERS AND PARTNERS ranking and has been mentioned, since 2013, on the journal LEGAL 500.

President of the Grupo Nacional de Trabalho de Seguro Garantia within the INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE LAW ASSOCIATION – AIDA. Member of the CONSELHO DELIBERATIVO – AIDA – DELIBERATION COUNCIL. General secretary of OAB-RJ’s Sectional Insurance and Reinsurance Law Commission. Counseling Editor for INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE LAW ASSOCIATION – AIDA’s electronic magazine. Counseling Editor for the magazine Revista Seguros.

Author of multiple articles published in specialized journals, such as “CDC: evolução do mercado segurador” (Caderno de Seguro FUNENSEG, n. 171, mar/abr 2012, pp. 114-122); “Contrato de Seguro” (Caderno de Seguro FUNENSEG, n. 173, jul/ago/set 2012, pp. 50-65); “Abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguros” (Caderno de Seguro FUNENSEG, n. 180, ed. especial 2013, pp. 60-65); and “Marcos temporais extintivos no direito de seguros brasileiro” (Revista Jurídica de Seguros/CNSeg, n. 4, maio de 2016, pp. 39-55).

Languages: Portuguese, English.

Daniel Chacur de Miranda


Daniel Chacur de Miranda is a partner in the Dispute Resolution and Insurance practice areas. He has extensive experience of representing corporate and institutional clients in complex corporate and commercial disputes before leading national and international arbitral institutions and Brazilian courts of all instances as well as the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commissions.

Daniel’s represents national and international clients from several business and financial sectors, including insurance and reinsurance companies, national and multinational corporations and financial institutions. In addition to litigation and dispute resolution services, he offers strategic planning and advisory services including contract drafting and negotiation.

Daniel is author of books and articles published in specialized law reviews.

He is frequently recommended in legal directories such as Chambers Global, Chambers Brazil, Chambers Latin America and The Legal 500.

Daniel was formerly a partner at Sergio Bermudes Advogados from 2007 to 2017.

PhD (in progress) in Civil Procedure Law from the University of São Paulo – USP.
Master’s Degree in Civil Procedure Law from the University of São Paulo – USP.
Master’s Degree in Law (LL.M) from Columbia Law School (Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and Parker School Recognition).
Visiting researcher at Université Jean Moulin Lyon III.
Graduate in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

Chambers and Partners Latin America/Brazil 2019 – 2023.
Chambers and Partners Global 2019 – 2023.
The Legal 500 Latin America 2017 – 2023 (“Leading Individual” in 2022 and 2023).

Member of the Inter-American Affairs Committee of the New York City Bar Association.
Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAR).
Former President of the International Arbitration Association of Columbia University/NY (CIAA).

Author of the book “Cross-examination no processo civil e na arbitragem: um diálogo entre processo arbitral e estatal” (Quatier Latin, 2022).

Coauthor of the book “Arbitragem no Brasil e no direito comparado” (Almedina, 2023).

Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Lívia Saad

Graduate degree in Law at PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO (PUC-Rio). Post-graduate degree in Procedural Civil Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).

LÍVIA SAAD was a partner at Escritório de Advocacia Sergio Bermudes from 2007 to 2017, where she worked in the civil field, specifically insurance, reinsurance and supplementary health.

Languages: Portuguese, English.

Vanessa Matos

Graduate degree in Law at Centro Universitário Moacyr Sreder Bastos. Post-graduate degree in Insurance Law at Escola Superior Nacional de Seguros (ESNS).

Vanessa Matos joined the Sahione Advogados team, where she coordinated the Civil field. Later, she joined Escritório de Advocacia Sergio Bermudes, where she worked for four years, specifically in the fields of insurance, reinsurance and complementary health.

Languages: Portuguese, English.

Pedro Henrique Wright




Graduated in Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM), PEDRO HENRIQUE WRIGHT works in judicial and arbitral strategic litigation, especially in the areas of Civil and Business Law. He holds a postgraduate degree in Civil Procedure from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and is pursuing a Master’s in Law (LLM in World Arbitration and Dispute Settlement) at Université Paris Panthéon-Assas. He is a specialist in Sports Law certified by the Brazilian Football Confederation. Appointed by the President of OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association/Rio de Janeiro) as a member of the Sports Law Commission for the 2019-2021 term, he was reappointed for the 2022-2024 term.

Author of the article ” A Aplicação dos Precedentes ao Processo Arbitral” published in the civil litigation Jour Revista Síntese de Direito Civil e Processual Civil No. 143 (2023).
Co-author of the article ” A (Im)Possibilidade de Utilização de Medidas Atípicas nas Obrigações Pecuniárias e nas Obrigações de Fazer,” published in the civil litigation journal Revista Síntese de Direito Civil e Processual Civil nº 123.
Author of the article “Club-Company: Which Bill will the Senate analyze?” published on the Lei em Campo website, linked to UOL (2020).
Co-author of the article ” “Medida Provisória nº 984/2020: um óbice aos direitos de imagem e de arena”,” published on the Migalhas website (2020).

Languages: English, French, and Spanish.


Livia Vallim

Rejane Oliveira

Lucas Fernandes de Sá

Thiago Fraga

Mariana Matos

Simone Bueno

Elienay Freitas

Angela Costa

Natalia Azevedo

Cesar Leite

Vanessa Cunha

Luis Eduardo Alves

Lilian Macedo

Carolina Menezes

Claudia Storino

Kauany Santos de Lima

Marilia Vianna

Fabiana Feitosa

Fernanda Souto

Mayara Carvalho

Bruna Nogueira Cascardo da Silva

Roberta Viana de Souza

Luiz Eduardo Savelli Goulart

Leonardo Cardoso Figueiredo

Julia Andrade

Júlia Abbud Ribeiro

Mônica de Melo Albernaz

Rafella Vieira da Rosa

Consultant: Luiz Tavares Pereira Filho